Learning Objectives:

1.     List of signs and symptoms of dementia and which BCBAs may intervene upon

2.     Differentiate between long-term care settings where BCBAs may practice

3.     Describe barriers to care

4.     Recognize how an ID/DD population is similar to and different than a neuro-typical population

5.     Identify end-of-life issues that may affect an ABA practice

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Hi, We Are Your Instructors!

Maranda and Amanda are BCBAs who work at Abilities Behavior Services, a non-profit agency providing ABA services across the lifespan. Both therapists are specialized in the assessment and management of behavior and psychological symptoms of dementia (e.g., aggression, disruption, wandering).

Dr. Maranda Trahan, PhD, BCBA-D was born in Louisiana, attended SIUC for graduate school, and completed a postdoc at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD. Before returning to Illinois, Dr. Trahan started the first ABA clinical practice in 2014 for individuals with dementia living in Florida. She’s worked in ABA since 2001 and in dementia since 2008. Dr. Trahan enjoys being outside and spending time with her family and animals.  

Amanda Ripley has worked with individuals with challenging behaviors across the age span. Amanda is from Chicago, graduated with her master’s degree from SIUC, and worked in a several states providing ABA services, including Michigan, Colorado, and Illinois. She’s worked in ABA and dementia care since 2005. Amanda is an avid runner and enjoys playing outside with her kids and husband.